Parent Portal


  1. Website:
  2. Choose your school, then Parent Portal (located under photo shuffle)
    1. For first-time users click on “Create New ParentsWeb Account” located next to the Login button
      1. Enter CALCS-CA into the District Code field.
      2. Enter email: your registered email address *
      3. You will receive an email from RenWeb Customer Support containing a link that will allow you to create your username and password.  For security purposes, the link will remain active for 6 hours.
      4. Please click on the link.  A Change/Create Password screen will open.  You may use the default username provided, or create a new username.  Then type in your desired password into the Password field and Confirm field. Click on the Save Username and/or Password button.
      5. You may login at Parent Portal Login and follow the prompts to your child’s information.
    2. For returning users follow the remaining steps
  3. District Code: CALCS-CA
  4. Enter Username and Password
  5. Select Parent, Student, or Staff login buttons
  6. Log in (After successfully logging in through a web browser, you may then access the App if you so choose.)

Support: Please call the school offices at 714-556-0965. Do not contact teachers for technical support


* For both the Student and Parent – you will need to have your email registered with the school. You can register your email address in the High School office or during the time of enrollment.